Thursday, June 25, 2015

Week 1

Week 1

The first week of my internship turned out to be everything I wanted it to be. I was able to tour the grounds such as the stadium, control room, conference rooms, and office. I was introduced to several different processes the media department goes through to prepare for the upcoming athletic seasons.

The game day process stood out most to me because being an athlete I know what game day means for me, but I never even thought about what it means to others especially the media department here on campus. The process begins with preparing the opposing teams logos and videos to project on to the big screen during games. After preparing whats going on the screen the next step is getting it up there and running through everything to make sure there are no problems. The run through is an extremely important part of the process because its the final step before game time.

After the run through of the grounds and game day routines I was put to work. Below or stat templates for all the upcoming home football games for the 2015 season. These templates are projected on the big screen throughout the game. On these templates I had to change the opposing team helmets, size, and gradient backgrounds that match opposing team colors.


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