Thursday, July 2, 2015

Week 2

Week 2

The third week of my internship was solely focused on an event called the Commissioners Cup.
The Commissioners Cup is a golf outing the university athletic department puts on at the local golf course. I was asked to create a sign the teams who enter in the Commissioners Cup can take their picture with while holding the actual Cup. 

Items I was asked to incorporate within the sign include:
- The Albany Logo
- Several Pictures of our Athletes

While making the sign there was an abundance of action photos from the past athletic seasons. As I was going through these photos I decided to pick images of not only our athletes in action, but also images of "champions". The teams I chose to feature on the sign were those who won their conference championships during the 2014-2015 seasons. I decided to blend the logo and photos with each other and lower the opacity to make the hashtag more prominent because our goal is to push that saying in the upcoming seasons.

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